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Mplay Command line compare


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how to start Mplay from the command line so that it has 2 sequences loaded ready to compare them.

If you do it by hand the steps would be:  "File->Open" Sequence 1, "File->Merge" Sequence2

In the help there is:




Group the command line images into separate sequences, based on base name and extension.


but I don't know to use it properly. Also there is the hscript command "appendseq" wich sounds promising.

What I tried but doesn't work was basically:

mplay -g /FolderA/*.jpg /FolderB/*.jpg


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Ok, strange. It kind of worked before as well. What I was not recognizing because it shows all black in mplay, but  in the sequemce view it loads both sequences. The Problem is it only loads frame 0 and the range 0. If I change the length(playbar and sequence viewer or with -f aswell) its just showing black.

When I changed to using relative pathes on mac it somehow worked. On Windows still not. If I remove the -g command it is importing them correctly, but  obviously its not doing the sequence functionality

Edited by Drughi
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18 minutes ago, fsimerey said:

Do you render frames with $F or $F4 ? I think about each system sort file numbers. 0001, 0002..., 0010 or 1,10,2 etc...

Yes, thats it I guess. I just checked a test folder with just Folder A & B + files inside named 1.jpg 2.jpg etc. and it worked. So it must be releated to my naming. The files im working with are flipbooks wich have a timestamp as name.
File names are like "19-10-04_142558_0004.jpg" But I expected it to work if I write 19-10-04_142558_*.jpg? When I do that in Mplay it shows 19-10-04_$F_*.jpg

Do you have an idea on how to fix it without renaming the files?

Edited by Drughi
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