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sort by attribute ?


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I'm trying to resample several primitive groups differently. (Marked in red in the picture)
the curve comes from an alembic files.
The problem is that split then merge seem to break the skin sop.
I guess, as you can see on the picture, it's because after the split there is a hole in the prim numbering.
That's why I put a Sort sop by a attribute but I can get it to work. (the @pid attribute is ok)

I think I'll just lengthen the shortest curves, so I won't have to split the curves,
but I'd like to know why this set-up fails.

Some ideas ?


Coque resample.hipnc



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It usually is but it wasn't coming through on my end properly (maybe cause it was an alembic in a normal file sop? idk).

Anyways, group promote your edge group to points, or just group the points from the get go and it works. 





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