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Solver SOP Prev_Frame problem

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Hello everyone!

I'm having problem with this Solver SOP, the Prev_Frame doesn't contain the attributes I modify in the solver, like it's always the first frame.

Maybe I don't understand how this work but isn't the Prev_Frame node containing the output geo from previous frame?


I idea here is to check if a point velocity is above a certain threshold then start a timer on it (decreasing each frame), these points are used as a smoke emitter.

The original geo is a RBD sim, at first a thought is was that but even with a test sphere it doesn't work...


Please help, thanks you!


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When u transfer attributes u atransfer all but not group "emitter". So when u set points in group in wranle node("check_point_v") u set it by condition if(waiting==1). But at next frame "waiting" gets 0 and and condition in wrangle("check_point_v") not performed that is why points go out from group "emitter".


So, decisions: 1) at wrangle set another condition if(@waiting==0) @time-=.1;

                      2) put grouptransfer node

By the way, i decreace solver's substep to 1. Becouse @time behavws weird.

 And i did some changes to improve work.

Hope it will help.



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