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How we control speed with gasWind dynamics node in DOP?


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Hi, I am testing the gas wind node with a simple set up. I am not sure about unit of "wind scale". For instance, I set it 1, therefore I expect result of sim should be about 1 v or 1 vel,. However, the max speed is 5.3. 

What kind of formula outputs value from 1 to 5.3? In other words, if I want to get speed 12, what number I should type in wind scale? 








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The Gas Wind DOP applies a wind force, adjusting the velocity field in the direction of the ambient wind direction. I'm guessing it's speed is calculated through the varying velocity in your smoke sim. I'd build my own Gas Wind field as the default one tends to be quite slow, you can build it using custom fields. Not sure what math operation is behind the node though.

EDIT: just increase the value in your simulation (Gas Wind) to 2.3 let's say and see if you get any closer to the value you want.

Edited by char
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