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Using Join and Carve to Create a Continuous Single Curve


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Hello There,


I have attached a simplified version of the file I am working on where I have a put a CONVERTLINE node after the main geo and animate this as if the whole geo is a result of a single, continuous curve.

Unfortunately as seen in the simple cube version as well the join node - while to some degree is useful - creates diagonals that don't exist in the original geometry - box -.

What do I need to do so that while it converts the geo into a single continuous curve primitive - which when you carve there is only one start and one end in the overall composition - but doesn't have these extra diagonals?

I highlighted the carve node in red in the file. 


Thank you!





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there is an algorithm (from Carl Hierholzer), which only works, if every point has an even count of neighbours. The rough idea behind is to look for circles until all edges have been visited an merge the circle togeter (where they intersect).

Here is a VEXperimental approach (with some workarounds etc.) but only tested for some cases, so there might be bugs.

The problem is to find a good way to store the edge neighbour information (there should be arrays of arrays of ints) and to update them during the loop.

I would like to see, if there is a more straight forward way ...




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