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Promoting Handels At Obj Level


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I have built a digital asset that generates a spring between two nulls (OBJ). I want to promote the handles of both Null Objects so they can be used without jumping into,and unlocking, my asset. I understand that I can right click and use Export Handles to Type Properties. But this gives me access to all of the handles parameters. So my question is: Is it possible to only promote the Transform handle only. (I don't want to manipulate rotation, scale etc..), or can I create a handle using the dialog provided (I've tried this with limited sucess). Any insight with handles working on custom assets would be helpful.


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It's worth noting that for objects you don't actually need to export the handles. Simply turning off select entire subnet from the filters in the viewport will mean you can just select the null and the handles will appear. If you do export the handles be aware that as soon as you select the subnet then all the handles will turn themselves on (which may be what you want)

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Thanks for all of the quick replies. I found the solution was to lock all the parameters I didn't want changed, then to promote the handle to type properties, and simply unbind and delete all the extra parameters houdini automatically created. When all was said and done I was left with two Transform handles exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for all the help.


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