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Control multiple bend deformers with one slider

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Hi, I'm brand new to Houdini, coming from years of C4D. I've been taking tons of tutorials the past month.
Sorry for this noob question.

I want to recreate a project from C4D into Houdini where I parent one single slider to multiple bend deformers.
In Houdini, I copy the parameters from a float slider I created on a Null I call CONTROLLER in the obj level into various bend amounts inside of a geo node using Paste Relative Reference.
But, with this I get all of the bend deformers working simultaneously, obviously.

What I'm hoping to do is:
Set the bend range from 0°-90°, then assign a percentage amount individually for each bend deformer, for example "bend_3" is .20=0° & .30=90°.
In C4D I simply created an Xpresso rig that I attached my slider to a Range Mapper node into the deformer node and set Range Mapper input Lower & Upper with percentage amount, then set the Output to 0°-90°. Easy Peasy.

I imagine I could use VEX somehow to use an if/then/else type statement?
Or maybe there's some expressions that I can use inside of the bend amount where I did the Paste Relative Reference?
Or is there a node that exists to accomplish this?

I'm sure this is super simple. Maybe there's a post somewhere someone could point me to about how to do this? Or maybe I could trouble someone to explain?
Thanks so much.

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On a Null create a parameter. (go to his parameter interface)

Then copy this parameter
Paste it by relative reference in one of your bends.

you get something like this

insert this in a fit() function (equal to the rangeMapper of C4d)

fit( ch("../null1/yourParmaeter"), 0, 1, 0, 90)

copy paste this in the others bends and adjust your values

Edited by flcc
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That's what I needed! I was so close too, just lacking the correct sequence. Thanks so much! This is has been a test for me to see if I can make Houdini work in production. 
I really appreciate it my friend!

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