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Attaching a light source to a swinging cable

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I would like to attach a light source to a swinging suspension lamp. Unfortunately I can't figure out a way to transfer the animation of a point representing the end of the cable up to the light on scene level. 

Light instancing is not possible in this case and I don't want to use light geometry. Please help.

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Thanks a lot, but how can I get the correct N vector? I used orient along curve to give the point the correct orientation during the animation.  However, I fail to apply it to the Normals. No matter what I do, N always aligns itself parallel to one of the scene axes. And so does the light.


I’ve attached my scene if you or anybody else want to have a look. The point Lamp_Example.hiplcwhere I would want to attach the lamp can be found in the green colored network box.

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Thanks for the example anim. It works like a charm and is much cleaner than mine of course. The vex code wasa bit hard to follow, but I could still transfer your techniques into my scene. Arnold does not support light instancing at all, as far as I know.

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