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Get Neighbors in vex by depth?


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I'd like to get a list of all connected points to my current point and the vex command "neighbors" does that.  But I'd also like the option to grow this selection to grab the next ring of points.. the same as what the "Group Expand" node does when you increase "steps".  The group expand is too slow as I need to do this for every point on my geometry.  I'm about to embark on a nested loop using the "neighbors" command but it's a bit mind bending and curious if anyone's done that before so I don't have to!  




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You can do it like this:

function int [ ] getPointNeighbours ( int geo; int ptindex; int depth; int accumulate )
    int pts [ ] = array ( ptindex );
    int lastpts [ ] = pts;
    for ( int i = 0; i < depth; ++i )
        int newpts [ ] = { };
        foreach ( int pt; lastpts )
            int connected [ ] = neighbours ( geo, pt );
            foreach ( int c; connected )
                if ( find ( pts, c ) < 0 )
                    append ( pts, c );
                    append ( newpts, c );
        lastpts = newpts;
    if ( accumulate )
        return pts;
        return lastpts;

int pts [ ] = getPointNeighbours ( 0, 42, chi("depth"), chi("accumulate") );
foreach ( int pt; pts )
    setpointgroup ( 0, "pts", pt, 1 );


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