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Python: Copy wrangle to multiple geometry nodes


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Beginner to python here. I have a big scene with a lot of geometry and in order to render I need to do some camera culling. My setup has 49 geo nodes and I'm trying to add a wrangle to the end of each network inside each geo node.

So far I have defined some stuff and tried to loop over it with no luck:

wrangle = hou.node("/obj/foo/cullWrangle/")
exportNodes = hou.selectedNodes()

for node in exportNodes:

I thought it might be simple to loop over the selected geo nodes, access the child nodes, define the last sop in each geo node, and then something something add wrangle. Can anyone help me out?

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something like this? this is using the bottom most node in each object to connect the wrangle to.
I attached a HIP file, hope this helps.

# find the lowest node in Y 
def lastnode(node):
  c = node.children()
    lastnode = c[0]
    posy = c[0].position()[0]
    for i in c:
      y = i.position()[0]
  return lastnode


# wrangle node to copy into each Object node
wrangle = hou.node('/obj/wrangle/attribwrangle1')

for i in selectednodes:
  lastnode_ = lastnode(i)
  if len(copiednodes)>0:
    #connect wrangle to last node
    # set wrangle node position below last node
    pos = lastnode_.position()



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This is my attempt to find the "last descendant", using python recursion. So far it is working for me:


def get_last_descendant (node) :
    try :
        last_descendant = node.outputs()[0]
    except :
        last_descendant = node

    if last_descendant == node :
        return node
    else :
        return get_last_descendant(last_descendant)


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