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Group range and always select 4 polygons


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My question is regarding using group range and selecting always 4 polygons no matter the Range filter combination. 


I was given a 6" by 6" grid and I need to break it apart into 2groups.. one group is the result of passing it through a group range and adjusting the range filter to select some polygons based on ranges. 

This group gives me 6 inch modules.


Yet the other group I need to use the existing 6" by 6" grid but this time select only 12" by 12" and adjsut those with the group range node using range filter without ever being a 6"by6" polygon instean always 12x12 modules (so four 6" by 6") no matter how I move the range filter slides.


How would you go about this? using a for loop?

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11 hours ago, eikonoklastes said:

I'm sorry, but I got completely lost. Can you post a couple of screenshots, preferably with sketches/annotations of what you're trying to achieve?

Hi eikonoklastes I am attaching here what I am doing - I have a 6 by 6 inch grid imported from rhino - then i am using group range to select 6 by 6 polygonal quads in a given range .  image 2 shows that I am using range filter to alter that group selection, that all is fine. The question I have is how do I tell the group range how to always and only select 12 by 12 quads(meaning alway select 4 rectangles at a time) never select 6 inch without having to do another 12 by 12 grid on top of the 6 by 6.  So that it looks like image 3 . I want to be able to do it parametrically since I have to do it for a lot of walls... maybe group range is not the best option>? I imagine it to be a vex expression somethign like if group range is = to selected then select 3 rectangles next to it to make a perfect 12 by 12 inch selection?




Edited by seba
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I'm sorry, I'm still extremely confused. You mention a 6x6 inch grid, but I see a rectangle, not a square. Are you talking about each face being 6x6?

Then you mention image 3 being an example of a 12x12 quad selection, but I see no 12x12 selection anywhere.

It would really help if, rather than screenshots, you post a sketch of what you're after, or at least annotate over your screenshots, because I can't see what you're describing. Specifically, it would help if you could draw out exactly what "6x6" and "12x12" means.

Edited by eikonoklastes
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