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Using color attribute to determine opacity on constant material

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I have two sets of color data for a single geometry. One is the color that I want the geometry to look like when rendered. The other is black and white and I want to use that to drive opacity on the 'Constant' material that I have applied.

I have tried caching the geo with b/w and then using that on 'Get Attribute' node in the shader network. I tried a few settings, but it just turns opacity to 0/black and my geometry isn't visible after rendering.

The geometry that I am working on is a polywire output. They are a lot of long and thin cylinders. Each cylinder has a gradient from one end to the other. This gradient is the black and white color that I want to use for opacity. The required output is to have these strand like objects have an opacity gradient. Where one end is invisible and the other is visible. I have the color data that has mapped it as I want. Just need a way to use that data on opacity parameter on the 'Constant' material.

So what can I do to achieve the aforementioned output?

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