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Lattice: How To Continu Deformation After Object Leaves Lattice?

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I have a deformed lattice and I want some objects to pass through this lattice. For example the object travels in the Y-axis thought the axis and the lattice deformation works like expected. as soon as the object leaves the lattice it jumps back to the undeformed space. How can I achieve that the object continous on the deformation

thousand words say nothing he re is a samplescene :D

best regards



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Mhh, thanks but either I got You wrong or it does not give me effect I want. i have a bended lattice for example, that fits a tube with height 10 and deforms it right. now if I move the tube before the lattice deforme it all points that leave the bounding box jump back to there undeformed place. I want them to keep the direction of the lattice, is that possible?


I haven't tried your file but offhand, try using a Group SOP with the Bounding option *after* your animating geometry. Then apply your deformation to that group that you created.
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The obvious simple solution is to split the animation into before and after. So animate into the lattice then continue the animation by transforming after the lattice is applied.

If that doesn't work I guess you'd have to get the lattice to animate along with the object so that the two stay in sync...

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