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Group from Points Array ?

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How can I create a group using an attribute for which I want the group to be created from, setPointGroup() doesn't accept attributes as an argument ?

I tried looping over all the points in an attribute array using the ForEach loop then appending them to a new group, but that doesn't work as the new group just contains all the points for the mesh, rather then the points from the attribute array for one point.  I

n other words, take one point from the mesh which contains an attribute array and for that one point create a group for all the points for that point in that points attribute array ?


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I added a file, the question seemed a little confusing to me, but I think I got it.
A point cannot contain multiple points, instead you have integers that corresponds as point numbers. That is how I understood it at least.

I'm not sure why it's saved on a specific point, if it's a single array, it could be saved on detail as well.
But I tried to recreate what you described.

What I basically did, was make an attribute wrangle, which would get the array you need. And using a foreach() loop to get each index and put that in setpointgroup().

I hope this helps


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On 12/26/2020 at 1:13 PM, CinnamonMetal said:

n other words, take one point from the mesh which contains an attribute array and for that one point create a group for all the points for that point in that points attribute array ?

Well from how I understood how it was working, which I tried to simulate in the file I send.
That a point contains an array. Obviously I don't know what kind of system you were working with, so maybe you have multiple points with different arrays, who knows!

But if it's only 1 array, what I like to do is store it in detail, as I don't have to think about the point that contains the info I need.
In This_Is_A_Setup < AttribWrangle in my file.
I made a pointattrib for the array. But I could have easily created a detail attrib array instead.

Left are points and right is detail. It would be easier to grab the detail one.


It's just something I like to do. Sometimes you need 1 value, but it's stored in every point/prim. Which I think is not needed. Then I like to use detail instead.
Does this make sense? I can be bad at explaining.

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