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Segment A Curve


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I need to segment a curve (poly or nurbs) into multiple primitives. By default, a curve is just a single primitive.

My ultimate goal is to birth particles from a curve weighted by an attribute. The Source POP will do this for me automagically, except it requires the distribution weight attribute to be of primitive type.

Any ideas?

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Does the Carve SOP work? Keep both inside and outside.

All too well! Thanks Edward!

And for anybody else whose curious, here's an alternative solution I just discovered:

1-resample the curve

2- point the normals for each point on the curve to it's neighboring point

3- delete the last point

4- copy a line segment that's pointing down the +Z axis onto each point. The length of the line segment should be equal to the length of the resample.

This method is a bit rough on the edges (a few over-hanging points), though.

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