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How can I read and format text files and write attributes?


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Hi all, 

** The thing I want to do is to obtain the coords from this kind of file and write vector positions. The positions corresponds to the place and orientation of each photo was taken. I want to track the path in wich the photos was taked. 

I have a file called cameras.sfm from "structure from motion" created with meshroom app (not inside houdini). I can read the file and split the lines with python, but I don't know how can I give format and write attributes to pass to an object. I'm new coding in python :(

The file has two basic sections: 

- one called "views" 


 "views": [
            "viewId": "6118912",
            "poseId": "6118912",
            "intrinsicId": "736567190",
            "resectionId": "28",

that is an array of specs of a camera... that I don't need,

but at the bottom of the file, is an array is what I need to give some format and pass to the attribute in sop level

The array starts with the tag "poses":


 "poses": [
            "poseId": "6118912",
            "pose": {
                "transform": {
                    "rotation": [
                    "center": [

                "locked": "0"
            "poseId": "22074724",
            "pose": {
                "transform": {
                    "rotation": [
                    "center": [
                "locked": "0"

And each "pose" has an Id, maybe could be usefull to write an attribute for the id and others for the vector for the values in transform/rotation and the "center"

I have some code for read the file and print/split lines but... I need help, hope you can guide me  


node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()

# Add code to modify contents of geo.
# Use drop down menu to select examples.
s = hou.readFile("..path_to_file/cameras_edited.sfm")

#I have some code lines of failures here.... :(
# and the test for write some atts ... 
geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Global, "Strings", value, False, True)
geo.setGlobalAttribValue("Strings", value)

Thanks in advanced... 

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Ok, not finished yet, but a little progress:

The code looks like this now:


import json

node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()

with open("path/cameras.sfm" , "r") as archivo:
    data = archivo.read()
    data = json.loads(data)

#Generar los arrays con info // json read with the help of Diego Trujillo
id=[x["poseId"] for x in data["poses"]]
rot=[x["pose"]["transform"]["rotation"] for x in data["poses"]]
center=[x["pose"]["transform"]["center"] for x in data["poses"]]

print(len(id), len(rot), len(center)) # we can print the lenght of id's, rotations and center values

# and now, write points over each "center"

n = 0
for id_v in id:
    point = geo.createPoint()
    c_X = float(center[n][0])
    c_Y = float(center[n][1])
    c_Z = float(center[n][2])
    point.setPosition((c_X, c_Y, c_Z))
    n += 1

Now, I need to write and configure the cameras based on the sfm file. 


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