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invert attribute


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Hello, I'm struggling to invert attribute "@partdist" 

I created this expression but seems dosen't work

f@partingMask = fit(@partdist, 0, 1, 1,0);


Maybe the value of partdist isn't 0 to 1 ?
i see some strange values in geometry Spreadsheet like 3.34558e-05

Thanks if anyone want help me to understand




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The expression you've listed should work fine.

If you're concerned about the ranges, you can always manually clamp your range between 0 and 1, and then just take the absolute value of (partdisk - 1) which will effectively do the same inversion and you can check your values against that to confirm:

f@partingMask = abs(clamp(@partdist, 0, 1)-1);



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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to chime in, the "3.34558e-05" values you mention is simply an abbreviation that the attribute spreadsheet does, actually, this happens everywhere in Houdini. Basically just means that a number had too many 0 to be displayed easily so it was made into this mathematical abbreviation. I think if you were to write this number out it would be 0.00000334558.

So whenever you encounter e-xx (where x can be any number) it just means that there are that many zeros behind the punctuation mark before you get to the other values displayed. Same if you ever see e+xx, just means that there are that many zeros before getting to the other numbers displayed.

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