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3delight In Houdini

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Can someone let me know which environment variables and/or what I have to do in order to have the RenderMan ROP render with 3delight directly in houdini?

As a side note, how can one write out a RIB that contains the camera and lights? With the archive ROP, its seems that you have to read the RIBs into another RIB containing the worldbegin, camera and ligths to get it to work.

any help is much appreciated.

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In the renderman ROP, you can change it from Renderman to 3Delight. Also make sure you change the renderer from "prman" to "renderdl" (you may need to set the whole path). 3Delight has to be running in the background too. I never got 3delight working very well though, it acts very funny with lights and shadows sometimes. If you find a good way to get them working please post it :) Cheers


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