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Export Objects Rotation Coordinates

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The transformations that are at object level are exported by alembic or fbx (file menu) the same way.
You normaly get it into C4d without any problem.

If you talk about geo that rotate at Sop level it's another story. But it's difficult to answer without knowing anything about your setup.

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Thanks for the response.

Yes, the geo rotates at the sop level with a keyframed transform node.

I can share a generic file: 210706_ROTATE.hiplc


Basically that rotation will be swapped for lots of other geometry in C4D.

I would love to use it as a parent or take its coordinates and apply it to another object.


Seems like this would be simple and I'm missing something....

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You have to think of the sop level as the edit mode of C4d.
In edit mode, points don't have rotation information. just position. Sop level is the same.
Transform node well... just tranform points. not really the "objects".

But... you can pack your geometry and use intrinsic. check this page of cgwiki.

You will find a much better explanation than I can give you.
In short since you object are packed they act as points, and the orient information can be attribute of these points.

Problem, i'm not sure how you can use these attribute in C4D.
Maybe you could transfer your rotation attribute to Cd attribute. (C4d understands the CD attributes coming from alembic)
Then in C4d use xpresso to get them back, but it seems to me a bit far-fetched.

Edited by flcc
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On 7/6/2021 at 10:41 PM, RadMess said:

Is there a way to export an objects rotation coordinates from Houdini into C4D?
I have an element that's literally just a rotation and it seems only alembics work and those files get large quickly.


This is easily possible by packing the object, initialising a normal if necessary (not required if your object was already aligned to the world axes to begin with), and then using the Path attribute in the ROP FBX.

Here's a preview of the exported tube: https://imgur.com/8xoYEYM

Scene attached here.


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