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Assigning "Frame Selected" to a mouse hotkey


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Hi all, I'm trying to remap the hotkey SPACE + G (Center the view on all selected objects/geometry) to a thumb mouse button. I'm not the greatest at Python but I think I'm close to finding the relevant functions.

This is what I got:

import stateutils

scene_viewer = stateutils.find_scene_viewer()
cur_view = hou.ui.paneTabUnderCursor().curViewport()

I have no idea if this will work, because I have no clue how to run this code in Houdini. I think I read that I need to create a tool first, and then call that tool from the UI. I have no idea how to do that though.

Is there a chance someone could help me out here? I have this function mapped the same way in all 3D apps I use, and it would be really nice in Houdini as well.

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