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Point Cloud Vops Starting Point


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first why...

I am working on creating a way to analyse the curvature of a surface and find its maxim and minim curvature angles. i plan to scatter points across the surface and compare there positions to determine the curvature and then point the normal down hill.

but then all I realy want is....

I have fumbled about but am yet to find a solid example of a VOP sop using Point clouds beond using the pcfilter VOP.

I have made a file that is simple and not even attempting to deal with the curvature of the surface yet. but it would be. a good place to show off how to use point clouds in VOPs beond the pcfilter VOP.

so anybody up for a little point cloud starter file for VOP users?

Thanks in advanced



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Hi Mesh, sorry for not being much of a help, but how do you intend to measure a radius with a point cloud? I only ask this because I've anaysed min and max radius of surfaces, slopes, etc... for the longest time, but in other software.

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i wont be mesureing all that much just pointing a normal in the direction of most chainge. this is a axis in 2 directions so i will always choose the "down hill" option.

i havent got far enough to know what will work but i will start with mesuring the points around each point and compare there dot product with the normal of the quired point. a flat surface should have a dot product of 0 between its nebouring points and its normal. so the vector to the sourounding point samples are multplyed by there dot product with the normal so the vectors that grow are the ones with the larger curvature. or something like that.

but when i get back onto it i will work it out.

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you can use this to find an angle between 2 normal.

acos(dot(normalize(vector3($NX, $NY, NZ)), normalize(vector3($NX2, $NY2, $NZ2))))



Thank's Alex!

Mesh, does that help you? Larger angle between two neighbor points = bigger curvature.

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