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SSS Noise Redshift

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Hi all,


I am trying to render a SSS surface using a standard RS Material shader. I get some noisy patches that I cannot remove for some reason.

Things I tried:

  1. Increase max samples
  2. Increase SSS samples
  3. Reduce error threshold
  4. Increase sampling on individual lights


Any suggestion as to why this noise is appearing & what setting can reduce it?




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SSS can be tricky to get clean.

Have you tried the point based mode?
Depending on what you're looking for, that might be enough. Way much faster and less noisy, but yes a bit less nice.

It looks like you're using an HDRI for the lighting, I've found that SSS doesn't like HDRIs very much. Just try a physical sky, you'll see a clear difference.

Sorry maybe someone else will have more useful advice.
Personally for these difficult cases, I use denoiser, even if it means a bit of compositing behind it.

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