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[SOLVED] [Python] Get Manipulator Handles Coordinates?


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Is there a way I can get the manipulator handles coordinates? (i.e. world space position)?
My use case for this is to create joints in the center of my selection. That's why I need the world space position.

The closest documentation I retrieved is this one:

But AFAIK, it is referring to binding manipulator handles to custom tools.


Edited by bentraje
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Oh, after rummaging through the documentation, there is no one method that does it.

So I got the manipulator handles by simply
1) Getting the selected points
2) Getting their position coordinates and dividing them by the total number of selected points.

You can check the sample script here:

import toolutils
selection = toolutils
selection = selection.sceneViewer().selectGeometry()

node = selection.nodes()[0]
geo = node.geometry()
points_patt = selection.selectionStrings(False)[-1]
pt_list = geo.globPoints(points_patt)

center_pos = [0,0,0]

idx = 0

for pt in pt_list:
    pos = pt.attribValue("P")

    center_pos[0] += pos[0]
    center_pos[1] += pos[1]
    center_pos[2] += pos[2]

    idx += 1

center_pos[0] = center_pos[0] /idx
center_pos[1] = center_pos[1] /idx
center_pos[2] = center_pos[2] /idx

print (center_pos)


Edited by bentraje
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