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Csh Problem


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Guys I've got a following problem with a csh:

When I test "quite complex" gawk commands under cygwin everything works fine, but when I launch the same thing in csh it gives me some errors. Additionaly when I save all of the commands in external file and reference it everything seems fine and works well in cygwin and csh. It seems to me that csh does not accept carrige returns to tidy up long commands. Is there any way to overcome that?



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[one' date=Feb 9 2007, 01:45 PM' post='33704]

some output of the errors might help.. could you post any?

Previously I was pasting gawk command with the carriage returns but csh treated each line as separate command, giving me an error:

Unmatched '

So I throw everything on a one line and that simply just crashes csh - and gives me a message about "encountering a problem".

gawk 'BEGIN {ifdpath = "c:/houdini81"; ifdname = "start"; runfile = "0_""test"; lastframe = 20; numproc = 4; loop = numproc-1; divide = int(lastframe/numproc); for (a =0; a <= loop; a++) {for (i =((divide*a)+1); i <= divide*(a+1); i++){ print "mantra < " ifdpath"/"ifdname i ".ifd" > runfile a".txt"; } close(runfile a".txt")}}'

Funny but when I try to do that in cygwin everything works fine. I could stick to cygwin but unfortunately by default on XP Houdini runs csh for unix commands...

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