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Copy to Points Offset Problem


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Hi guys, I am running into this weird problem when I was trying to copy some points to another points:

They work fine when point 0 is at origin; else, it would not copy my second sets of points to where the first sets of points are, they offset...can someone help explain why this happens?






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Hey Taian,

It's kinda hard to explain but it's also quite obvious.

The 0,0,0 pos will always be on top of the base pts.

Check it out, I changed the instaces to cubes so it gets less confusing.

Let's say you have a box at the origin (0,0,0) and 3 points somewhere else

this one box will copied on top of those 3 points

if the box have an offset from the origin, it will get the same offset from the pts



I hope makes any sense ;)

Edited by ParticleSkull
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