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Multiparm Editing in Python

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I am working to build a tool which contextualizes updates options in a multiparm block based on an option selected in the block itself. I have been able to get ahold of the information for which index in the multiparm everything is going and have been able to extract information just fine, but I cannot seem to update the UI. I really feel like I am just missing a function somewhere in the documentation. Right now I'm essentially doing this to update what I have now:

def load():
    node = hou.pwd()
    ptg = node.parmTemplateGroup()
    baseAttribs = ["list", "pulled", "in", "from", "elsewhere"]
    multiparm = hou.FolderParmTemplate("attrib", "Attrib Item", folder_type = hou.folderType.MultiparmBlock)
    collapsibleFolder = hou.FolderParmTemplate("settings#", "Settings", folder_type = hou.folderType.Collapsible)
    attribList = hou.MenuParmTemplate("root_attribs#", "Select Attribute", tuple(baseAttribs), menu_labels=tuple(baseAttribs), script_callback="hou.phm().attribType(kwargs)", script_callback_language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, menu_use_token=True)
    ptg.appendToFolder(ptg.findFolder("JSON Settings"), multiparm)

def attribType(kwargs):
    node = hou.pwd()
    p = kwargs["parm"]
    parent = p.parentMultiParm()
    multiParmIndex = int(kwargs['script_multiparm_index'])
    menuIndex = int(kwargs['script_value'])
    container = parent.parmTemplate().parmTemplates()[0]
    selected = p.menuItems()[menuIndex]
    a = hou.LabelParmTemplate("test#", f"Testing that this works {multiParmIndex} {selected}")

I know what the name should be and I have the correct multiparm index from within kwargs, which is amazing. So how can I put things into the collapsible folders? For the first entry I know I have the settings1 folder and I want to add in that label, but I cannot seem to figure out how to do that.

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