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Water (whitewater) shape over floating boat


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Hi all.. I'm trying to find the solution, how to control water (or whitewater) shape behaviour around the floating boat. I would like to obtain shape like in top picture on the left. But my results always looks something like on picture bellow, (very extensive side ripples) which I don't want to. Nobody in tutorials or PRO courses doesn't explain how to control that behaviour, if I don't want leave simulation to work 'naturally'. I think it has something to do with the custom velocity values, but I had no good result with my experiments. I saw some tutorials for Maya's or Max's PhoenixFD, where was really good looking results. So, does anybody know, which  parameter, feature or node is responsibile to control that, if I want to avoid natural behaviour and obtain the shape like on top left on the picture? 

ps: The top picture simulation made somebody in Houdini (all boat floats is 58 km/h) with some personal 'KA_wave' tool, which doesn't exist for commercial use.
..I can pay for explanation or shared example hip file.. 


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@Lqd You can use kelvin wake vex and try to combine with force and  "whitewater" somehow.

#define PI 3.14159265
#define e 2.718281828459045

#define PI 3.14159265
#define e 2.718281828459045

#pragma label origin "Origin"
#pragma label rotation_angle "Rotate"
#pragma range rotation_angle 0 360
#pragma label height "Wave Height"
#pragma label maxIterations "Numer of Iterations"
#pragma label width "Boat Width"
#pragma label length "Boat Length"
#pragma label c "Boat Speed"
#pragma label t "Boat Draught"

float sec(float angle){
return 1/cos(angle);

float D(float k,d,theta){
float res = sec(theta);
res = -1*k*d*res*res;
res = pow(e, res);
res = 1-res;
return res;

float evaluate (float x_coord, z_coord, c, l, t, angle)
float K, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J;
K = c / 96.2361; //k = c / g^2

A = (c*c)/(9.81*l); // = c^2/gl
B = K*(1+(tan(angle)*tan(angle))*(x_coord*cos(angle)+z_coord*sin(angle)));
C = K*(1+(tan(angle)*tan(angle))*((x_coord+l)*cos(angle)+z_coord*sin(angle)));
D = D(K,t,angle);

E = A*D*sin(B); // = A.D.sin(B)
F = -4*A*A*D*cos(angle)*cos(B); // = -4.(A^2).D.cos(angle).cos(B)
G = -6*A*A*A*D*(cos(angle)*cos(angle))*sin(B);
H = -2*A*A*D*cos(angle)*cos(B); // -2.(A^2).D.cos(angle).cos�
I = 6*A*A*A*D*(cos(angle)*cos(angle))*sin(B);

J = E+F+G+H+I;

return J;


float calcR(float angle)
float r;
float len = .001;

// Skip the singularity
if (abs(angle) <0.000001) {
r = 0.0;
} else {
r = len/angle;
return r;

sop ssh_kelvin_wake_2(int maxIterations = 80; vector origin = 0; float
rotation_angle = 0; float height = 1.0;
float width = 6.0; float length = 40; float c
=15.0; float t = 1.0; float bend_angle = 0)
float sum=0;
float freqs = maxIterations;
int i = 1;
float h = PI/(2.0*maxIterations);
float b = width/2.0;
float l = length/2.0;

float g = 9.81;
float b_mult = 27*b/(2*PI);
float theta;
float range = 90;
vector currentPoint = P-origin;

float rotatingAngle = -radians(rotation_angle);
float px = currentPoint.x * cos(rotatingAngle) - currentPoint.z*sin(rotatingAngle);
float pz = currentPoint.x * sin(rotatingAngle) + currentPoint.z*cos(rotatingAngle);

float angle = atan2(pz,px);
float modAngle = abs(angle)%radians(360.0);
float angleThreshold = radians(45.0);

if(abs(angle) <=angleThreshold )
    matrix rotationMatrix = ident();
    vector axis = set(0,1,0);
    rotate( rotationMatrix, radians(rotation_angle), axis);
    currentPoint *= rotationMatrix;

    for(i = 1; i<=maxIterations; i++)
        theta = radians(((freqs/2.0)-i) * (range/(freqs/2.0)));
        sum += radians(evaluate(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.z,c,l, t, theta)*(range/maxIterations));   
    vector deform = 0;
    deform.y = -b_mult*sum*height;
    deform.y *= fit((abs(angle)%radians(180.0)),.7*angleThreshold,angleThreshold, 1.0, 0.0);

    P += N*deform;




Edited by Librarian
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