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DOPs Vellum Cloth Sticking to Vellum Grains

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Hey all

I have question regarding a pretty simple DOPs setup that I just can't seem to get my head around...

Basically I'm simulating soil and turf being torn up. I'm using Grains for the soil and Cloth for the turf. I'm happy with both material properties now. The issue i'm facing is bonding the two different objects... I know it should be easy but whatever I do, it seems as though the objects remain pinned to their start frame once constrained to one another in a DOP Net, resulting in odd "hanging" behaviour, where only the grains fall and leave the turf behind or vice/versa

What I'm aiming for is two-way coupling of the turf (cloth) and soil (grains) sims

I've attached a couple of images to demo my setup - as you can see, there's vellum constraints node set to “Attach to Geometry” 

the constraints node is referencing the Geometry SOP group “Grass” and Target SOP “Soil_Geo” + SOP Group “Soil”

When looking at the constraints, after a while of playback, they appear pinned to an static “start frame”, rather than continuously updating geometry

I know i'm super close to cracking it his but I just don’t know what small thing it is that I’m overlooking



Edited by hayden martin
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