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Copy Vectors To Duplicate Object [SOLVED]

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I have two objects. One with velocity vectors.
 I need to copy those same vectors onto the duplicate object on the left. (it is now animated and moving).

If I use the Attribute Copy SOP, the vectors do in fact copy to the other object, but they still aim toward their original direction.

How can I copy vectors from object A onto object B and retain the correct direction according to the transform of object B?

A simplified version of my master scene is attached:


Edited by GlennimusPrime
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@islamoos @uakin Thank you for these solutions, although I now realise my issue is a little more complex. I simplified my original setup too much.

The problem is not with an overall transform, but rather vellum hair curve directions.
You can see here the copied velocity vectors remain aiming left / right, instead of sticking with the animated direction of each vellum hair curve.

How can I transfer the animated velocity vectors from the static hair curves onto the now animated vellum hair curves?
This is a tough one!

new .hip file attached:

Edited by GlennimusPrime
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  • GlennimusPrime changed the title to Copy Vectors To Duplicate Object [SOLVED]

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