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Orienting joints using polygon normal not working (kinefx)

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Hello, i have been trying to set the upvector to the normal of the plane formed by the joints the problem is that whatever i try it doesnt work in 1 of the joints.

In essence it should just work if i take 3 joints of leg, make a polygon and then figure out a way toset the axis to the  parent, one axis(up?) to the normal of that polygon and 1 axis to their cros product.

(there is also one step where i try to set the pivot of a transform to the eulers of the lookat from axis to the normal so that i can scale it to pake sure the leg is on 1 plane if it hase more then 3 points)

but whatever i try, everything is just off, Could anyone help me out ?

In essence it should just work if i take 3 joints of leg, make a polygon and then figure out a way toset the axis to the  parent, one axis(up?) to the normal of that polygon and 1 axis to their cros product.

(there is also one step where i try to set the pivot of a transform to the eulers of the lookat from axis to the normal so that i can scale it to pake sure the leg is on 1 plane if it hase more then 3 points)


but whatever i try, everything is just off, Could anyone help me out ?

to do the scaling part i use this code. it works in some cases but ometimes the agle is 45 degree of in one axis.

vector v1 = normalize({0, 1, 0}); // Define the first vector
vector v2 = @up; // Define the second vector

matrix3 m = lookat(v1, v2); // Create a matrix that rotates v1 to face v2
vector4 q = quaternion(m); // Convert the matrix to a quaternion

vector v1 = normalize({0, 1, 0}); // Define the first vector
printf("Rotation angles: (%g, %g, %g)\n", degrees(e.x), degrees(e.y), degrees(e.z));
vector v2 = @up; // Define the second vector

matrix3 m = lookat(v1, v2); // Create a matrix that rotates v1 to face v2


Edited by Drunkenpanda
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