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Hqueque server

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Hi all, I have a slightly different request and I'm turning to you who may have experience in this regard. I'm in the process of creating an Hqueque server to associate with my 4 workstations that I have in the studio. I have seen numerous guides but having no experience I have difficulty providing the right information to my usual supplier on the right hardware to buy to make it all happen. I forgot that I already have a 10gbit network infrastructure. While I understand that my request is very generic, I would be grateful for any info you could give me. Thank you

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Your request is really too general. It seems you have some problems, but you do not say anything about any problems you have. The hqueue server does not need a special hardware since it only organizes the distribution of the hqueue jobs. You can even use one of your workstations as server.

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Surely my request is very generic and I admit that it is difficult to give an answer. My request arises from the need to create a small studio with 4 workstations (which I already own) and I need to create a server to store the various assets, project files that can also be accessed externally from my internal network which is at 10Gbit: I was wondering how to speed up access to assets on a single source and having tried a NAS I was particularly disappointed by its slowness, so I was thinking of creating a server machine that was more performing than the NAS same. Obviously the machines that would run on Houdini would use a local NVME drive and thus have a custom path to the caches. So my question was about some hardware suggestions on how to create this server machine to act as asset/hip files repository.

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