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Change the Bezier curve SOP color in the Scene view to black

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I'm trying to manually trace a Bezier curve over a grid with a texture, behind it and displayed as a template.

The curve however is displayed in white, and there are white or really light colored areas in the picture.

Is there a way to change the display color for Curve SOP so that it's not white when I'm creating it ?


Edited by AntoineSfx
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You can add a colour node and set it to black.
Set the display flag on the colour node.
Select the Curve nodeclick in an empty area in the Network View.

The curves are now any colour you want them to be.
And the gui on the curve node shiuld be active

(make sure show handles is active)

Edited by Drunkenpanda
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1 hour ago, Drunkenpanda said:

You can add a colour node and set it to black.
Set the display flag on the colour node.
Select the Curve nodeclick in an empty area in the Network View.

The curves are now any colour you want them to be.
And the gui on the curve node shiuld be active

(make sure show handles is active)


What you proposed actually does not work because the GUI displays the selected curve when the Handle is active.

However, by adding a transform SOP to make the black curve closer to the camera, you can negate the effect of z-fighting, as it seems that both curves are displayed, and the white seems to win in this case.

Also, in DIsplay Options, one useful parameter is: Goemetry / wireframe / wire width that controls that displayed width of the curve.


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