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Fabio Hair System 2.0


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After several years of hard work, learning from different projects and from other amazing people, I am super happy to see Fabio features incorporated into the core of the software =) almost 10 years and several Houdini versions i am still amaze how much has been ported to Houdini, as any artist there are some implementations that i would consider a different route but that's why i love the software always bouncing ideas, creating and sharing nodes and scenes, 

As i started my career as an Intern as SESI it fills me why joy to see what other are been able to create with these tools =)


  Fabio Hair System for Houdini

repository (download)



  • The python code is in the shelf tool so any one can augment and add value depending on their need of their projects
  • Updated the shader and created a new Fabio MaterialX that works with XPU keeping the UI very similar
  • Enhanced the dop networks to utilize latest vellum, wire dynamics, 
  • Ported the functionality that Fabio (OBJ) has in a procedural way for Mantra into sop::fabio_attributes  now they can modify geometry/curves and render in Karma/XPU
  • make it incredibly FAST
  • as it's not just an otl(digital asset) you can modify the network as needed and insert File cache nodes (i do believe is only needed if you want to cache a simulation, as i mention before is Fast, so no need to have large .bgeo sequences)

Thanks to everyone in the community, and special thanks to all who answer my silly questions

Edited by pelos
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