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UV control to pin and relax


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Hi, I have a question about UV layout. 

There is a non seam polygon there, and I want to relax UVs of two test's objects' uv, and plate's UV will be shrunken&deformed a bit. That's ok, but want to keep the edge/seam as original position. However, I have no idea how to control to make  such a UVs so much. So far, I tried to create edge group as UV's Pins spots, and applied an UV flatten. Test's geos' UVs are relaxed/smoothed, but Edge/pins are broken.  Then I tried unwrapUV, UV-project, etc are not worked, either. 
Let me know if we have a smart idea, thanks! 



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Try this:

1. attribute promote SOP - turn the uv attribute from vertex to point

2. attribute blur SOP - blur the uv attribute, make sure that the method is set to Edge length and "pin border points" is checked on

3. attribute promote SOP - convert the uv attribute back to vertex. 



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