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Arnold Utils and Deep one pixel smaller than the beauty.

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Rendering utils unpremultiplied and unfiltered. Rendering beauty premultiplied and filtered from Arnold and we find that the utils (and Deep) are coming out one pixel smaller than the beauty. I woul have expected the antialiasing to smooth inwards - or in otherwords for utils to ecompass the full area of the beauty.

These are shots with minimal motion blur. Utils are rendered 32 bit, beauty 16bit, everything is zip1 scanline linear ACESCG exrs.

Our usual comp fix is to dilate the utilities out a bit, but it can introduce edge issues this way.


Edited by areelillmind
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On 3/23/2024 at 1:29 AM, paranoidx said:

Is that Util you menyion is AOV ?

Hi, sorry not been checking back here as I thought I'd receive a notifcation from replies. But yes they are avos on the same rendered exr. P, Pref, Depth and normals all have the issue.

Edited by areelillmind
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I have rendered 16bit beauty / 32bit utils in Arnold with no problem ( but it was in Maya a few years/versions ago ) but Arnold is still more suspect than Houdini imho, esp. a solaris version... oh wait actually Solaris has been buggy af for me too - the two of them together is a hot nightmare. Have you tried rendering the beauty in 32bit, that would be the simplest fix if it works!

Hopefully you're not using denoiser? 

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On 5/26/2024 at 7:51 AM, TobyGaines said:


We tried simply rendering the utils seperately as  a32bit exr. We have also been looking at the filtering settings to see if they are an issue. The other suspect is displacement not being applied to the utils correctly. Not sure if this is a known issue or one others have encountered.

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Displacement not being the same as the beauty could certainly cause the problem

But I just realized you said you rendered the utils "unfiltered"... I think you're supposed to leave filtering the same as the beauty, and let Arnold give you the correct pixel values? Ofc you don't want depth / deep / P data to be softened or averaged, but I think Arnold takes care of that? I can't remember but you could try turning it back on.

Also last I saw, all filtering was switched Off / set to Box if you're using the Denoiser, *even if you disable it*. Just the plugin being installed in the render settings was killing the filtering and making the beauty too sharp.

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