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bullet SOP compound shape - no constraints?


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hello! I've checked Nick's example file of rbd bullet solver https://www.nicholas-taylor.com/blog/houdini-bullet-physics-tips-2 and I've noticed that to have an object made of various disconnected shapes, like a hammer in the example, you need to use constraints and let each part have its own distinct name attribute.

I also know that if i use the same name for a bunch of pieces bullet will interpret them as a compound shape without need of constraints.
I am not able to have bullet sop to work in that way. Is that a choice by design? or am I missing some details?

I think this is option in the solver is what make this possible - the "Set of connected primitives" I believe is defined by having the same name attribute.

Attached an example file showing how this works with bullet dop and how you would need to set up the constraints with bulet sop.
Anyone could point me in the right direction?


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