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Flat "2D Drawn" Sound Wave Effect


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Hey everyone,

Houdini newb, here.  I am after a very specific effect and I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I am looking to replicate something like the 2D drawing below but in 3D space.  Where concentric ripple circle "lines" (swept geometry?) emanate from a central point to illustrate soundwaves. Of course, this is something I could replicate in Adobe After Effects, etc., but I'm looking to run some simulations and...if these "lines" could bounce off objects like waves hitting the edges of a tank in a fluid simulation, that would be next level. But I'm getting way ahead of myself. Any ideas on how to procedurally create such a diagram is very welcome. Thanks for the help, everyone. 


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@Librarian Thank you for your offer to help! I am not a math expert so I do not know the exact terminology - but keywords such as 'sound waves', 'acoustic waves', 'reflection', 'refraction', 'reverberation', and 'echo' might be good places to start. I am searching through the archives as well - I haven't found anything yet but I will keep looking. Thank you!

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@Librarian Found something very similar to what I am going for here: 


Of course, this is flat/2d - and I'd like to make it in 3D in Houdini, but keeping it very similar in style to this visualization 


Also here: 


Edited by node-toad
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@node-toad Here its Link , My ex its Just combination of 5 otl's in that Help folder ..
and SOP solver.

vector cohesion_dir = normalize(@P);
vector cohesion_length = length(@P);

cohesion_length = fit(cohesion_length,9,9.5,0.01,1);

@v += cohesion_length * cohesion_dir *@TimeInc;
//@v += onoise(@P*0.1+0.1*@Time)*vector(0.5*@TimeInc);

int near_pt = pcfind(0,"P",@P,1,2)[1];
vector seperate_dir = normalize(@P-point(0,"P",near_pt));
float seperate_length = distance(@P,point(0,"P",near_pt));

seperate_length = fit(seperate_length,0.005,0.1,2,0);
vector seperate = seperate_dir*seperate_length;
@v +=seperate *@TimeInc;

@v = clamp (length(@v),0.0005,1)*normalize(@v);
vector s =@v *@TimeInc;
vector hit_pos;
vector uv;
vector hit_N;
int prim = intersect(1,@P,s,hit_pos,uv);
           @P += s;
           hit_N = prim(1,"N",prim);
           @v = reflect(@v,hit_N);
           @P = hit_pos+@v*(length(s)-distance(@P,hit_pos));
vector noise_v = vector(flownoise(@P*chf("noise_freq"), @TimeInc*.2));
@v  += fit01(noise_v, set(-@max_speed, 0, -@max_speed), set(@max_speed,0,@max_speed));
//@v  += onoise(@P*0.5)*vector(0.5*@TimeInc);
//@v += onoise(@P*0.1+0.1*@Time)*vector(0.5*@TimeInc);

here its some accel stuff ,tohave same vel and movement

//@v = set(0,0,10);
//@P += @v*@TimeInc;
//@v = 10*set(0,0,10*rand(@ptnum));
//@P += @v*@TimeInc; 
//@v = 10*set(0,0,0.5+0.5*rand(@ptnum));
@P += @v*@TimeInc; 
vector @accel = {0,0,0};
vector @v = {0,0,5};
@v += @accel*@TimeInc;
@P += @v*@TimeInc;
//vector @accel = {0,0,-1};
/*vector @v = {0,0,10};
@v += @accel*@TimeInc;
if(@v.z < 0){
    @v.z = 0;
@P += @v*@TimeInc;




Edited by Librarian
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