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Increment a value in a point wrangle


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I have a point wrangle set to run on a set number of arbitrary points (say; 12 22 11 41) What I want to do is to set another incrementally increasing integer that starts from 0 going all the way up to 1-number of points run through (considering the previously mentioned example; 0 1 2 3 for 4 points set in as a group to run over) I can't use a for loop since a for loop runs for each point wrangled :( I tried using 'int i = 0; i++;' but that didn't work either. How would it be possible to get this done?

Thank you ^_^


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int pts[] = expandpointgroup(0, chs("group"));

for(int i = 0; i < len(pts); i++)
    setpointattrib(0, "num", pts[i], i);

Here's a simple way to do this in a Detail Wrangle. This will also work with ad-hoc groups.

Edited by dleonhardt
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