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Why Exportchop .. Needs Export Flat On?

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.... I dont get this... export flag.. is one of the flags I find not confortable to manage in CHOP ... specially... when I have (and love to use) exportCHOP.. BUT .. i HAVE to export the chop node anyway ...

makes not much sense to me. :)

also .. why merging different properly named channels togheter... doenst make export be aware of such channel when exporting?.. let me explain better.

three channels (es: offset[xyz]).. merged togheter... then exportCHOP...

if I dont explicity define which channels (I have to write again offset[xyz]) i want to export.. and where in the SOP path (and again.. I have to write offset[xyz] there) .. it just mess things.. mergeCHOP just export channels based on the order they are merged.. and not based on channel names.

I hope I've not been too much confusing

ps. posted on sesi forums as well..

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