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Modelling a stepped pyramid made of extruded hexagons


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Hi everyone!!! After spending quite a while into a modelling problem. I think I have hit a walll. 

I´m trying to recreate a structure that I saw in one of my dreams, it was a stepped pyramid of extruded hexagons, perfectly fitted. My approach was to use a line where I previously distributed fittted meshes. My idea was to move the line and erase points on each level of the pyramid in order to get a properly aligned structure. The tricky thing here is that you are not following a linear pattern. For the first level you only have to move left and delete the las point. For the second one you don´t to move (only on Y), you just have to delete the first and last point. The thing is that when I reach a certain level my pattern gets broke out.

I´m sure this is not the first time someone is doing this, and also pretty sure that I´m missing something and  that there´s a much easy way to do this.

I´ll gratefully thanked if a smarter mind could put some light on this problem.

Thanks in advance.





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On 11/21/2024 at 9:28 AM, Yors_Void said:

Hi everyone!!! After spending quite a while into a modelling problem. I think I have hit a walll. 

I´m trying to recreate a structure that I saw in one of my dreams, it was a stepped pyramid of extruded hexagons, perfectly fitted. My approach was to use a line where I previously distributed fittted meshes. My idea was to move the line and erase points on each level of the pyramid in order to get a properly aligned structure. The tricky thing here is that you are not following a linear pattern. For the first level you only have to move left and delete the las point. For the second one you don´t to move (only on Y), you just have to delete the first and last point. The thing is that when I reach a certain level my pattern gets broke out.

I´m sure this is not the first time someone is doing this, and also pretty sure that I´m missing something and  that there´s a much easy way to do this.

I´ll gratefully thanked if a smarter mind could put some light on this problem.

Thanks in advance.




00_aproximacion.hiplc 168.24 kB · 1 download

Here is a solution almost entirely in SOP, with barely any code:

Start with a square, regular (rows=columns, choose any number) grid in the ZX plane, in REVERSE TRIANGLES (default is rows and columns, we don't want that)

and transform it with this Transform SOP:

scale.z = sqrt(3)/2

shear.y = sqrt(3)/3

This produces a grid of equilateral triangles

Then divide SOP it with: [x] Compute Dual enabled  and you have   an hexagonal grid (inside two adjacent equilateral triangles)

Then do a group expand starting from the center primitive, and store the step.

Primitives with the same step number are going to be on the same hexagonal ring, so at this point this is over. The rest is left as exercise. 




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