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Any way to know exactly which license a farm task picked up?

Matt Norris

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We're a smallish company and just expanded our pool of Houdini licenses! 

We have a mix of FX, Core and Engine/render licenses all installed on the same license server. We're currently looking at how our deadline integration works and hit a bit of a wall.

We've had a few discussions now about what order licenses are checked out and whether they are being checked out correctly.

We have set HOUDINI_SCRIPT_LICENSE to be "engine" 

However we still seem to be picking up FX licenses on the farm

What I was hoping to do is setup a test job that can run on the farm and log exactly which license it grabbed, but I can't for the life of me find out how to query the exact license type from within a hou session.

I can use hou.licenseCategory  to tell if it's commercial or not 

I can also use hou.applicationName to check if I'm running hython or FX

But is there some way of printing out exactly which type of license the hou session is using? 

Many thanks!

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You can run hserver through subprocess and Python this way (from Houdini/Hython otherwise you need to include the path to Houdini binary in your PATH):

subprocess.run("hserver --info", shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode()

And you'll obtain this kind of output where you can see the license after the "Used Licenses" line:

Hostname:       XXXXXX  [Microsoft Windows 11 Pro x64]
Uptime:         1 days, 6:34:30 [Started: Thu Dec 12 09:52:41 2024]
License Server: http://xxx:XXXX
Connected To:   http://xxx:XXXX
Server Version: sesinetd20.0.724
Version:        Houdini20.5.278
ReadAccess (Ipv4):      
WriteAccess (Ipv4):     
ReadAccess (Ipv6):      
WriteAccess (Ipv6):     
Using Http: Yes
Enabled IPv6: false
Used Licenses: 
    + Houdini Core 20.5
                User(s): pid=31244(using: true) 

    100,687 of 130,923 MB available
    CPU Usage:3% load
    0 active tasks (32 slots)

And with a bit of regex you should be able to extract what you need :)

Otherwise, you can have a look at the license server api (https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/licensing/publicapi/index.html) it is very useful to monitor license usage.



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