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Passing Attributes To Point Instance

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I have asked this problem before, but didn't get any answer. I hope it gets noticed this time tough...

U can find my previous post here..


I have some points and a geometry to instance on to the points.

Using point attributes, I can choose different geometries for instancing.

By varying the normals of points I can rotate the final instanced objects.

By changing the pscale attribute of points, I can scale the Instances randomely.

I can also change shaders for each instance.

But I want to have more control. If I add an attribute XYZ to my points, and

suppose assign them some random value, I want to refer to this value in my instanced Geometry and change my geometry.(scale, rotate, extrude amount

, switch number, etc ) how can i do that. I know that can be done using Mantra Procedural "Hscript Instance" and using otl option.

But what If I want to use Renderman. How can I get the Instance Number inside m Instance Geometry????

Waiting for ur answer.

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