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Polywire - Question ???

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I am "still" having problems with polywire sop

- I have an animated l-system and polywire is a good solution to create a geometry. however the point numbers keeps changing in every single frame due to the animation which prevents getting a proper UV map

The Question is How can I keep the point numbers same in every frame.

(I tried to create a static geometry and transfer and override its point numbers with the animated one but I couldn't manage to do this)

Any Ideas Suggestions - Help !!!


Frame_1 Frame_5 Frame_13

post-1831-1186161178_thumb.jpg post-1831-1186161182_thumb.jpg post-1831-1186161187_thumb.jpg

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Hi again :)

The reason that I wanted to keep the point numbers same was UVs . however I realized that polywire creates its own UV attribute (vertex attribute)

and I was always checking the point atributes and creating uv projection, but yeah UVs were always there :rolleyes:

So, my problem is fixed although there are still some problems in the branch joints.


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Depending on the geometry you might be able to keep the point numbers constant by applying a sort sop?

E.g. if your mesh is only growing on positive Y, then have sort sop sort your points on Y.

One thing to try might be taking the final mesh, uv-mapping it and then applying the uv's to the animating

mesh with TransferAttrib? Depends on the situation too.

Just thinking aloud.. :)


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Depending on the geometry you might be able to keep the point numbers constant by applying a sort sop?

E.g. if your mesh is only growing on positive Y, then have sort sop sort your points on Y.

One thing to try might be taking the final mesh, uv-mapping it and then applying the uv's to the animating

mesh with TransferAttrib? Depends on the situation too.

Just thinking aloud.. :)


Hi eetu

thanx for the suggestions.

the thing is that the geometry is l-systems so it is actually really complex. sort sop cannot manage to keep them constant. well it keeps some of them but not all of m depending on the complexity.

And for the UVs;; Polywire creates UVs automatically which I couldnt manage to edit as I wished. So my problem is I have a procedural shader that I have created in VOPs and I want to use the point positions of the polywired tree geometry (instead of using the UVs that are automatically created). But the problem is I couldnt find a way to keep them constant so my shader became useless in this situation.

Note: I am keen on using Polywire because this gives the best solution on l-system based trees.


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