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Fade Color Over The Time In Vops


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Hey Kuba,

VOPs as VEX is time independent, it's evaluates in discreet time step so it's not so easy to do it. You could use point cloud texture to store state in time for points but I think this is too much effort for such a task. Wouldn't be easier to manage all parameters (fade off values per point) in SOP and pass them to VOPs as a single expression?

If you're talking about point on surface (not geometry's points) you can use again point clouds for storing appropriate sample's values for surface and then pass it to shader.

Which Vex context in particular you'r interested in?

write some more, maybe I don't understand you correctly but in case of fading off per geometry points this is rather simply task in SOPs.

Write some more!



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Czolem SYmek,

Thanks for that, I was interested mainly in shading section in vex. The idea was that the colour of the surface will be sourced in vops to drive dynamically a mask of the materilal, nothing fancy.

Have a look at the example, the colour of the surface is based on vertical velocity. This unfortunately creates very harsh transitions and a preview sequence gives a nasty flickering. I was looking for some sort of gradual fading (length specified in frames would be best) which gives smoother transition to black. Smooth sop in this case didn't work because it gets rid of details and the transition is to quick and not very convincing. So the solution I am using at the moment is a sequence of timeshift sops connected to blendshape sop. It is not very elegant way but at least works for me :D

Looking forward for more sophisticated solutions...


thanks everyone



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hey kuba,

as a fast note, you should look in Houdini beta 9.1 new python cookbook for a example on colour falloff in points ;)




I send you three other ways.

1. I think CHOPS are promising as they are very fast. I've just touched it with gauss but you can extend this processing .

2. Point clouds in COPS needs fix, because now pixel XY doesn't correspond to point "P" properly. Just can't find Position in BBox VOP...

3. and Attribute Transfer as a simplest way to smooth attributes ;)


Edited by SYmek
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