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Passing Stamps Params To Chops


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Hi houdiniks.

I think I did this some time ago, so I think is possible but I don;t remember how to do it to work.

The thing is that I have somme geometry that I am copying via the Copy SOP.

This geometry have some animation that is controlled via CHOPs to make retiming time warpings, etc ...

My problem Is that I want different retimings, warpings, etc .. per copy so I am trying to use a stamp expression pointing to the the copy operator and trying to get some parameters from there into a Stretch CHOP, but it doesn't work.

I guess that because we have Copy CHOP the stamp function in CHOP only can get parameters from a Copy CHOP but I remember reading something about a stamp can get parameters from everywhere even out from his network .

The thing I am trying to do makes complitely sense, controlling CHOPs per copy, so I am sure there will be any way to do this.

Any clues about how to pass stamp parameters from a Copy Sop to operators in a CHOP Network.

I am putting the CHOP Network nested into the Geomtry object to have everything in the same object.


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yup that was probably the first thing I tried to figure out when working with CHOPs. Also, if you are stamping stuff onto particles particles remember to sort-by-id (normally) on the geometry CHOP. Also, you can use the stretch CHOP with the $C local variable, but I think it's far more straitforeward to use the lookup CHOP with "ramps" to achieve those kind of results.

There's some more stuff with CHOPs on the old-school blog also


Edited by andrewlowell
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I did this a long time ago and it worked although i thought it really wouldn't. That was one of the things that made me love houdini. I was just getting started with houdini and tried a stamping expression inside chops to contol the rotation cycle time of copied primitives. I don't have the file with me right now but i'll start looking for it. Any way i think everything works fine if the chops export thier output in sops before the copy sop. That way you can write a stamp expression inside chops that references the copy sop. no need for a copy chop. I'll upload the file as soon as i find it.


Hi houdiniks.

I think I did this some time ago, so I think is possible but I don;t remember how to do it to work.

The thing is that I have somme geometry that I am copying via the Copy SOP.

This geometry have some animation that is controlled via CHOPs to make retiming time warpings, etc ...

My problem Is that I want different retimings, warpings, etc .. per copy so I am trying to use a stamp expression pointing to the the copy operator and trying to get some parameters from there into a Stretch CHOP, but it doesn't work.

I guess that because we have Copy CHOP the stamp function in CHOP only can get parameters from a Copy CHOP but I remember reading something about a stamp can get parameters from everywhere even out from his network .

The thing I am trying to do makes complitely sense, controlling CHOPs per copy, so I am sure there will be any way to do this.

Any clues about how to pass stamp parameters from a Copy Sop to operators in a CHOP Network.

I am putting the CHOP Network nested into the Geomtry object to have everything in the same object.


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found the file, feel free to ask me about anything dumb i did in the file ;)



Que tal Javi como va todo ...

Thanks for your replies.

Like I have said in the SESI forum the situation is not the same as in the andrew's excellent video.

To not make crossposting check this:



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found the file, feel free to ask me about anything dumb i did in the file ;)



Thanks ihab.

Quite inetresting your file with a foreach ala old way :)

I have tried to make a simple example about what I am trying, very similar to your example, in H8 and H9, I have posted the example files in the SESI forum,

The curious thing is that it works in H8 but not in the 9.




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Thanks ihab.

Quite inetresting your file with a foreach ala old way :)

I have tried to make a simple example about what I am trying, very similar to your example, in H8 and H9, I have posted the example files in the SESI forum,

The curious thing is that it works in H8 but not in the 9.




I tried both your files on h9.1 and neither of them worked. Don't have h8 at the moment. Strangely enough my folding floor file doesn't work on 9.1 as well. it works fine on 9.0.794. looks like a bug to me.


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