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The Study Houdini


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Greet all!

Want to assign the honest question, and get honest answer to it. This will help me to take the correct decision and not to defraud their own hopes.

I practically do not understand in programming, know only language HTML :) Absence knowledges in programming, will allow me full-fledged to possess the possibility of the functioning in program Houdini?

If functioning in Houdini not possible without professional holdings of the programming, that you me please honestly about this say. That I did not be mistaken on this count.And did not begin hopeless education.

P.S. Have a small experience of the functioning in Softimage XSI.

Thank you all.

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i would honestly say that houdini is the 3d program that lets you get the farthest way without any programming, because its like visual programming, so without programming you can do things that other packages can ONLY do with scripts or plugin programming.. so go for it. i for my part also never learned programming and i love houdini!!

best regards


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but would it not help being a bit of a programmer, even if you really suck but understood the concept behind certain programming functions it would really help.

but a strong maths background, i think you will have an even easier time than if you were a programmer.

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of course i wish i had time to learn programming and am happy to have some math and physikal knowledge, that allways helps. but it allways depends on what you try to achieve.. even in c4d (considered its the easiest pro 3d tool to learn) you need strong math and programming knowledge if you like to create stunning effects.

of course in houdini shader creation (a basic thing when becoming a 3d artist) is not as easy as in some other tools on the market and knowing how a renderer functions helps alot to know what you do, but still its not that hard and gives you limitless possibilities. on the other hand i guess and hope houdini is a great thing to have a smooth start into programming, since its growing with you, it never limits you and you start with simple thing learning basic ideas of programming(by expressions) and in the end you know python one day without noticing ;) i think so far the coolest tool of houdini is its help and the auto-completion in any expression so you learn by any little expression

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Hi there,

You can use Houdini very very easily without knowing any programming. There is far less scripting in Houdini than Maya, for instance, which is widely regarded as a more "artist-friendly" package than Houdini. You use a fair amount number of expressions but very very little scripting.

What you do need to enjoy Houdini (not just use it) IMHO, is a logical mindset and a technical curiosity. Everything follows from there.

I would say you should try it - but really only if you can promise yourself that you will work through the initial learning curve.

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The Friends, thank you you enormous for confidence, which you have breathed in me their own answer. You helped me to break the taboo on Houdini, which I have put(deliver)ed itself.

I shall certainly try their own power! Hope on your help in mastering this beautiful program.

Do Not judge strictly for my not very good english.

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  • 2 months later...


I'm not an experienced houdini user, so maybe my opinion doesn't matter, but I'm a maya user who uses houdini at work now, and I have to say that while it's ok to use maya or houdini without any knowledge of scripting, it matters a lot what you're working on, and more advanced stuff can't be done without some knowledge of scripting. I think that maya makes scripting easy by showing you all the code that's going on under the hood while it's running it. maybe you need to script less in houdini, although again, it totally matters what your job is and what kind of projects you're working on, but I think learning scripting in maya is easy and straightforward, while in houdini is not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm user of Maya since a version 4 and i can tel thats there its not a comparison between those two software. since autodesk, Maya become same nightmare as 3d studio max. The reason way i did turn over Houdini where everything is a magic. U use ur brain and ur imagination and believe me or not u can do even must complicated scene-animation without a knowledge of programing because the system of the nods which is a graphic way to programing. U have to dove learn possibility and function of every nods and infinite possibility of they interconnection become real.

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