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Displacement Shader


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Hi guys, i was just wondering if anyone could help me with a slight problem im having with a displacement shader.

I have a large plane in a scene that stretches back to the horizon and i am rendering it with a displacement shader. What I have noticed is that the displacement

seems to get less and less the further into the distance you get. No matter what I try, I cannot get the displacement to appear near the horizon. I have tried numerous

appraches with render settings but with no success. I have even tried increasing the displacement as you get further away from the camera but the geometry near

the horizon still appears smooth.

I know this has to be an issue at render tme because ive checked the geometry near the horizon closely and the displacement is definately there. It just seems to

gradually flatten out when i look through my camera.

Has anyone come across such a problem before or does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this????

Thanks a lot.

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Hi there,

There are some great controls for tweaking displacement dicing on oblique surfaces with great depth - like oceans and such.

Please take a look at what is called "Z-Importance" in the "Measurer" (which is the mechanism it uses to determine when to dice geometry for shading/displacement)

In the Houdini help browser:



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Thanks a lot Jason. Altering those parameters by themselves didn't actually work. But Im beginning to get some nice results

when i use that along with the increased displacement.

Thanks again.

Edited by Tim C
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