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Saving Baked Paint Sop

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I am very very new to H and this is my first post here.

I used the Paint SOP op to mark some sections of my geo so I can use it a a reference for my final texture. How can I export/bake the result of the Paint op as an unwraped UV image.

Thanks in advance

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I can not say if this is the best way of marking polygon groups in painting textures process, I don't know too much about it... but you can:

- simply screen capture UV viewport (Space+5), which unlike saving UVs to a file (RMB -> "Save Uv Texutre to image...") option does save actual OpenGL object colour. Saving UV to a file with such possibility would be nice RFE.

- render object with default shader (or any other respecting Cd attribute from PaintSOP) in UV space. This can be achieve by placing "mantra -u /obj/mygeometry" in Command option of the main tab in MantraROP or by adding "vm_uvobject" rendering property to MantraROP and pointing it also to your object.

Note that in both cases your UVs must be a vertex attribute, not point one.

hope this helps,


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  • 6 months later...

you may also want to check out the wiki page on the topic, as there is a lot of information on this. it's fairly straight forward but sometimes you have to take care of many details.


one thing i would if you need to use the expand method in COPs as suggested on the wiki page:

you should leave some space between borders of uv pieces and use the inverted alpha as a mask for the expand op, so you don't get as many problems with things blending together


make sure you have mantra's verbose level set to at least one, it might tell you what's wrong. are your UV's added as vertex attribs as they should?

Edited by Aearon
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