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Wiki help

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I've finally gotten around to trying out the new wiki style markup for the help docs. And i have to say its very, very, very cool I love it :)

Well done Sesi, again, its so easy to use, my only gripe is you didn't do it before I wrote all my help in html :(

Anyway, my question is this, do any of you clever interweb types on here know how the whole system works. Does it use some readily available method for turning wiki markup into html or is it more sophisticated than that...

Why do I ask? well it would be perfect for the work we do so I'd like to get some more details on what is going on here. I can ask Sesi too, but often you lot seem to have a lot of good ideas about this type of stuff so I thought I ask here too.


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Does it use some readily available method for turning wiki markup into html or is it more sophisticated than that...

Do you mean this:


Or do you want to know how the internal system works?

I guess it's a parser/server inside houdini:

fuser -v -n tcp 48626


48626/tcp: rdg 4896 F.... hescape-bin

But his is just a guess.

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