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Extrude trouble


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I'm having big time trouble when extruding a simple poly. It starts to look funny in the viewport when shaded, after a Smooth half of the mesh is missing. I've tried Extrude and PolyExtrude, reversed the point numbers by Point and by hand and even tried to prepend Divide, PolySplit and Facet, without any success.

Environment: Linux, XFree 4, Houdini 5.5.230

Guess that's kind of a newbie question tho, but I just don't get it :blink:


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Thanks for the quick answer, I appreciate it.

But, well...it doesn't really look better :(

Guess it's some trouble with my OS installation (SuSE 7.2) / graphics driver (latest NVidia one)? After posting my question I downloaded this great "vines" example by Sean Lewkiw. After loading in Houdini, I saw one frame, moving the frame-bar didn't have any effect. After restarting Houdini I couldn't get the example to screen any more :unsure:

In Houdini 6, on the other hand, I will get some errors about a "ShaderSwitcher" with the same result.

Therefore my .hip looks a bit better, the shading doesn't fit to the normals tho.

Please, I need some feedback on if this thing looks normal on your installations. If so, I think I'll have me a new workstation :ph34r:

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